If you’re always on the lookout for a procedure or product that will help your skin look its best, don’t overlook the photofacial. Done in plastic surgery offices and medical clinics across the country, this procedure has been highlighted numerous times by industry experts as one of the top choices to make your skin look better. Even if you don’t suffer from specific problems, you will experience positive effects from the procedure. If you have problems such as rosacea or acne scars, it is one of the few procedures that can make a quick difference in your appearance.
The photofacial is unique among cosmetic enhancement procedures because of how it works. Instead of using creams or injections, the rejuvenation happens from the outside in. The clinicians make use of pulse technology to target tissues in the face with the special light. Through this mechanism, collagen production is inspired. If you think collagen is just to give your lips a full appearance, you might be surprised. It is actually one of the most important elements in a healthy, youthful face. It staves off the loss of elasticity, which is such a common problem for people as they grow older, and one of the main reasons people elect to have face lifts and other cosmetic surgeries.
If you’re looking for a procedure that won’t take up a lot of your time, the photofacial is again a winner. Depending on how much work you’re having done and the clinic you attend, the entire process shouldn’t take more than an hour. Sometimes a clinic can get you in and out in under twenty minutes. Depending on your sensitivity levels, you can opt to have it done under local anesthetic or without. The pulses of light are similar in pain to zaps from a laser, so if you’ve ever had laser treatment, you know what you’re in for. Some people are barely bothered by it, while others find it quite unpleasant. In any case, downtime shouldn’t be an issue for the overwhelming majority of patients.
For best results, it may take more than one session. Most clinics will recommend having the procedure done continually for a couple of months, with three weeks or so in between appointments. This will allow both you and the doctor to observe the effects of the treatment and determine how effective it is at stimulating collagen production. Once you’ve attained the look you want, you http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifcan come back in for a touchup on the order of once a year or so. This will make sure you don’t lose the collagen that has filled out your face, and keep the stimulation going so you can keep that rosy glow. Ask your local medical spa or plastic surgeon’s office about their treatment plan.
By: A Aaronson
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Are you on the lookout for a tomball photofacial? Learn more at www.tomballlaserboutique.com. Photo: Tomballlaserboutique.