You skin reflects how you take good care of your body as it will show if you have nourished it properly with the right nutrients it needs to work effectively and let you look more flawlessly stunning.
Eating the right foods, exercise properly and taking in vitamins and supplements will help you maintain a good-looking and younger skin.
Eating foods which are rich with Vitamin A, C and E will boost up your body’s immune system thus will work properly in distributing enough nutrients to the blood stream then into your skin. Your skin cells usually “expire” within a couple of days or weeks then it is eliminated outside the body system. To help replenish those lost dead skin cells, you need to eat right and choose those which can help you regenerate skin cells to make you skin look flawless and spotless.
Exercise will help you eliminate toxic substances within the body that will harm the skin organ so you must do exercise and workout at least twice a week to enhance your body’s mechanisms as well as your skin’s elasticity and flexibility.
Taking skin supplements and vitamins like A, C and E will help you regenerate skin cells effectively that will fight wrinkles, acne scars and skin damages. It also prevents skin from drying as it has moisturizing ability which locks up moisture within the skin.
These are some tips as to how to properly nourish your skin to make it look younger and beautiful. Your skin care program should start when you are as young as a teenager.